I have been involved with performance art for the past 8 years. My first professional project was painting at musical events as a benefit for a local organization, the Cascade Raptor Center. It was those 12 pieces inspired by resident birds that opened up many more opportunities for me to connect with not only nature, but a wider community of art appreciators. The joy of sharing my paintings at larger events like Northwest String Summit provided a deeper connection with many people and has led me to study deeper and further my journey with live painting.
Recently I had the immense joy of performance painting on MSC World Europa as part of the Living exhibitions show. I would start a painting inspired by that days show and as the painting neared completion the show would come to life with puppets and dancers that would be inspiring the painting. It was another huge step for me as a performance painter being involved with the show on a new level with small bits of choreography and interactions with the other performers. It was pure magic to connect with so many people from around about art and share my joy of creating for them.